Hospital Padre Carollo
A busy community hospital in Quito knew they had to act fast to make the most of Ecuador's new occupational health legislation
My business school team embedded in Quito to help Hospital Padre Carollo to maximize this opportunity generating more revenue and serving more patients than ever before. After learning every detail of the Hospital's strategy and operations, we helped them identify areas for maximum - and sustainable - growth.
We met with potential clients and competitors in the private market to offer the Hospital a full landscape of their market opportunity. Our revenue models showed remarkably rapid break-even, and our risk analysis explored the long-term paths for success amidst the country's shifting regulatory systems.
I served as Team Leader, calling on my nonprofit business acumen, my ability to orchestrate diverse talent, and my Spanish language and cultural fluency. My team consisted of two practicing doctors and a Navy training officer. Throughout the fast-paced project we stepped up in our areas of expertise, from training new medical teams to deep financial analysis.