National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
This data-driven organization of top surgeons sought new grant funding.
I guided their relationship management strategy
and helped them articulate their case for support.
The NSQIP uses data to improve surgery outcomes for patients. This Reading, PA group of top surgeons gathered extensive data to identify trends and define standards. They then matched top-performing teams with under-performers, measuring the effects of direct best-practice transfer. Their data analytics was extensive, with a dedicated statistician working across the surgery centers to ensure accuracy and identify trends.
The Reading, Pennsylvania chapter of the NSQIP sought grant support so that they could expand their analytics and share best practices, ultimately increasing each individual patient's chance of lifesaving result from his or her surgery.
My thorough training in advanced statistical analysis meant that I could understand this organization's logic model and convey its impact to stakeholders. With my expertise as a grantwriter, I translated these complex statistical processes into a compelling case for support. And my years of experience as a fundraiser allowed me to craft an ongoing relationship growth strategy so that this important work would continue - and serve even more patients - into the far future.